The weather in Roseville, California.
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All images © 2012 - Don Raisor Jr.
SouthWest RailCams Fund Raiser
Support the Roseville, CA railcam.
SouthWest RailCams Fund Raiser
Support the Stockton, CA railcam.
SouthWest RailCams Fund Raiser
Support the Colfax, CA railcam.
These fund raisers do not support me or this website. All proceeds go to Southwest RailCams. I am not the organizer of these fund raisers, and I am not the owner of Southwest RailCams.
This is Amtrak six, the east bound California Zephyr. Three engines happen occasionally with the Zephyr. It appeared that number 43 was running isolated. (i.e. The engine was running but not providing any power to move the train.)
Roseville, CA - March 25, 2022
Image © 2022 Don Raisor Jr.